Thursday, December 6, 2007

Green Becomes Cool on Wall St.

Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal's Jilian Mincer covered the trend of green investing which has been sprouting up all over the Financial District. A wave of green advisers champion this effort by encouraging investors to diversify their portfolios by including a number of rapid growth green technology stocks and green mutual funds.

Up and coming Smith and Barney financial adviser Kati Macchiverna says,

"Compared to average market returns, say you were invested in an index that performed pretty close to how the market performs over the course of the year, the returns on that would be much greater than if you were invested in socially responsible funds. They generally have returns closer to that of bonds (3-4%) opposed to market indexed funds (8-9%).
I would really be interested in finding out more about the green mutual funds, and other green indexes, the thing about those, like the article said, is that they tend to be pretty risky. There is so much new technology out there and people jump on these ideas and over indulge (take ethanol). When I finally get started it would be cool to have a bit of a specialization in green funds, I'm going to start checking that out."

Al Gore is one phenomenon, but If Leo makes a movie about the topic, the Patrick Batemans downtown must follow suit because after all, where does he get his glorious organic aftershave balm?

The capitalist financiers are the second to final group the hippies must conquer before dominating the earth with flowers and organic patchouli. Right wing oil thirsty Washingtonians are up next.


1 comment:

Ron Robins said...

Readers might like to know that they can get the latest green and socially responsible investing news at

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Best wishes, Ron Robins